I'm re-engaging with my blog in anticipation of another travel adventure. In less than two days, I will be wending my way to Southeast Asia, via San Francisco, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Yangon (Rangoon). This all began with a bucket-list desire to see the ancient Khmer site of Angkor Wat, followed by a search for a tour in which it was included. Not surprisingly, I think, I found one in the Road (not Rhode) Scholar catalog, and decided to give them another turn since I was so elated with their tour of China. If you are not familiar with the company, it is a subsidiary of Elder Hostel, a name which says it all! Geezers galore! Perfect for me! Preparations are in their final stages, and I am looking forward to engaging the ancient civilizations of Southeast Asia as well as the warm, tropical weather (high 70's and 80's) which is typical of this time of year. That will be most welcome after the single digit and sub-zero temperatures we have been enduring in Chicago this December/January.
My greatest concern is the journey there. Leaving Chicago at 5:30 pm, Sunday to San Francisco; leaving San Francisco at 10:30 pm for a 15 hour flight to Hong Kong; leaving Hong Kong at 9:00 am for a 3 hour flight to Bangkok; leaving Bangkok for at 1:45 pm for a 2 hour flight to Yangon, with a final arrival at the hotel at 4:00 pm two days later, thanks to the International Date Line. My quick calculations tally this as 25 hours in the air and 8 hours of airport layover time (not counting the 2 hours at O'hare to begin). My preparation for this ordeal is: an inconsequential book, a new inflatable neck pillow and an ample supply of Melatonin. Oh yea, and prayer! Lots of prayer!
Blogging with the WiFi which most Asian hotels provide is an unpredictable process at best. One never knows what the system will bear. The travel company is less than reassuring about the availability and reliability of internet connections. But, at least I should encounter no government interference this trip, so I'm hoping that my posts will be frequent and worth reading. We shall see. More, later.