Our sixth day began early with breakfast (if you would dare call it that) at 6:30 am with bus departure at 7:30. The ascent from Moab, Utah to Arches National Park is a short but steep on over many switchbacks before reaching the park proper. I don't know what I was expecting out of the day's itinerary, not much, I suspect, but it turned out to be one of the more compelling adventures of this trip, so far.
Our first stop was at "Windows" a pair of natural arches that afford a look at the rest of the park. They are labeled, appropriately, North and South Window, and make an impressive introduction to the whole park.
North and South Windows, Arches National Park
The View from the South Window at Arches
The following pictures are a small sample of the fascinating sights that abound in Arches National Park. It took considerable effort to hike to these amazing natural displays, but, it was always worth the effort. Once again I was struck by the effects of natural erosion and the remarkable wonders that it can produce.
Triple Arch |
Delicate Arch |
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