Monday, July 29, 2024

Day 1 - Travel - Bah!

 Everything was going great.  I arrived at O'Hare at 6:35 am as planned, was assisted (mightily) by United Airlines staff and received my first ride on an airport wheelchair.  Of course, the gate for my flight was at the absolute end of Terminal 1 which made me even more grateful for Bill's (my travel agent) suggestion that I acknowledge my limitations and make use of this airline service.

The flight to Denver was on time and unremarkable, until we reached Denver Airport and had to wait 50 minutes for a gate in which to disembark.  As I watched the time tick away, I began to wonder if I would have enough time to make it to my next gate and the final leg to Santa Fe.  Luckily, there was a wheelchair waiting and a vigorous youngish man to hurry me from the very end of the A concourse the the very end of the B concourse.  We arrived just as their were getting ready to close the doors and I collapsed into my seat as the engines were starting.  I couldn't imagine that my luggage had made the transfer, and I was correct.  

Upon arrival in Santa Fe, no baggage!  After an hour of filling out forms and making a claim, I called for an Uber to take me to The Druray Plaza Hotel and checked in with what little carry-on I had with me.  No clothes, no toiletries, etc.  Luckily, I had all the program materials, my phone, my compute, my meds, and two pairs of shoes.  Hopes are high that my luggage will show up sometime tomorrow.  We shall see!cct

No pictures today, as my camera is among the missing items.  Perhaps I will have another opportunity to capture the stunning New Mexico landscape in the days ahead.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Day Before the Day Before...

It's Saturday, and I will be leaving very early Monday morning to catch my flight to Santa Fe via Denver.  All I really have to do pack for a week away in a strange place and the few odds and ends that must be done before leaving home for any lengthy period of time, empty trash, wash last load of dishes, water plants, etc.  Some of that will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.  Tomorrow morning, I'm celebrating the 9:00 am Sung Mass at Ascension and assisting at the 11:00.  I then have three or four hours before my dinner engagement and bed.  All is well!

I'm really only making this post to that I can still make it all work.  I think I'd better try to add a picture to complete my trial run.

I guess I'm a ready as I'll ever get!

More, lateer....

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Opera Extravaganza in Santa Fe, New Mexico!

 A wonderful trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico, is about to begin.  It is the first travel I've attempted since the Co-vid epidemic shut me and the rest of the world down.  I had two trips scheduled for 2020, and we all know how that turned out!  Inactivity put me into a physical decline that rendered anything other than the essential basics out of reach.  However, some progress in recent months encourages me to "test the waters" and hopefully discover that more challenging travel is not out of the question.  Time and experience will tell.

This is meant to be only an introduction to a more extensive blog during the Santa Fe adventure.  I will be flying to my destination via Denver and Santa Fe airport.  The program is eight days with five Opera performances and museum tours, with ample free time to do as much exploring, locally, as desired.  It promises to be an informative and artistically fulfilling time away, and with some trepidation I'm really looking forward to it!

More, later.