Thursday, July 25, 2024

Opera Extravaganza in Santa Fe, New Mexico!

 A wonderful trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico, is about to begin.  It is the first travel I've attempted since the Co-vid epidemic shut me and the rest of the world down.  I had two trips scheduled for 2020, and we all know how that turned out!  Inactivity put me into a physical decline that rendered anything other than the essential basics out of reach.  However, some progress in recent months encourages me to "test the waters" and hopefully discover that more challenging travel is not out of the question.  Time and experience will tell.

This is meant to be only an introduction to a more extensive blog during the Santa Fe adventure.  I will be flying to my destination via Denver and Santa Fe airport.  The program is eight days with five Opera performances and museum tours, with ample free time to do as much exploring, locally, as desired.  It promises to be an informative and artistically fulfilling time away, and with some trepidation I'm really looking forward to it!

More, later.

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