Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Back again for another try!

It's been almost two years since my last post.  There are two reasons for this: one, I lost contact with my blogspot while I was travelling and only recently made contact with it once again.  In fact this is an experiment to see if I can keep it going for a while, as I prepare for another great adventure in the Levant.   Second, there has been a derth of interesting news to report.  Life-as-normal may be ineteresting in the eyes of some, but it has a dull sameness for me which I find hard enough to bear without imposing it on others.

However, as I prepare for my next trip, I  thought I might try again.  I am excited about returning to Saint Ceorge's College, Jerusalem and fininshing the sabbatical I started planning three(+) years ago.  "The Palestine of Jesus" course which I will be taking will have some duplication with courses I took before.  However, I am still looking forward to returning to some the the places which I found so overwhelming before and taking them in when I am better able to absorb the fulll content and impact.  I am a person who is somewhat challenged by the totally new.  A second look is always productive for me. 

Additionally, there will be locations and informaiton which is totally new, and I am hoping that my previous exposure to the Middle East and its cultures will enable me to better absorb those experiences as well.

I'm here at Morrison Tire, getting new tires for my poor old car.  If I can get another 50,000 miles out of it before it dies, it will approach sainthood status in my book.  I wish I knew how to take a picture of Toby, the Morrison Tire dog, and include it with this post.  But alas .... I always seem to be on the steep end of the learning curve with these things.  Another "need to learn before the trip" to put on the list.
