Saturday, August 6, 2016

Excitement Builds!

This blog has been inactive for several months because the Peripatetic Parson has been on the move pursuing less spectacular and far less interesting activities connected to retirement and relocation, both arduous adventures without much worth reporting.  Having completed a full year, and still learning about new surroundings and situations, it is, nevertheless, time to hit the road, once again, and start on my "bucket list."

Adventure #1 is a deeply anticipated trip to China, a fascination of mine since my days in the Air Force when information on China was actually job related.  This trip will occupy most of September and will take me to tourist, must-see locations in northern and central China.  The south and west (including Tibet, I hope) will have to wait for a later adventure.

The main purpose of this post is to reconnect with my previous blogs and to make sure that I can still access the site easily.  Having fulfilled the intent of this post, I bid adieu until anon.